Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
The Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Section is at the forefront of compelling legal issues impacting the field. Exploring the complexities of current legislative concerns, the Section sponsors issue-specific programs, reviews legislative and regulatory proposals and seeks to advance the understanding of state and federal civil rights and civil liberties issues.
Election Protection Training
The BBA, in conjunction with Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights and Economic Justice, hosts trainings for Election Protection – the nation’s largest non-partisan voter protection coalition, to ensure that all eligible Americans have the ability to cast a meaningful ballot and have their vote counted.
Watch our 2020 training onlineBBA Focuses on School-to-Prison Pipeline
In October 2018, the BBA published a special edition of the Boston Bar Journal focusing on the school-to-prison pipeline. In addition to legal commentary, this edition features personal essays by students and parents from Boston Public Schools.
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Upcoming Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Events
View Events CalendarSection Leadership

Danielle Johnson
Section Co-Chair Boston Office of Housing Stability
Naomi Shatz
Section Co-Chair Zalkind Duncan & Bernstein LLPMore to Explore