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Bankruptcy Law

People at a Bankruptcy Law event.
People giving a round of applause at a Bankruptcy Law event.
A woman speaking at a podium.


The Bankruptcy Law Section allows solo and larger-firm practitioners from the consumer and business bankruptcy worlds to connect, share experiences, and explore evolving legal issues. The Section sponsors the popular Bankruptcy Bench Meets Bar Conference each spring and a variety of community service opportunities throughout the year.

Bankruptcy Bench Bar Conference

Recently celebrating the 25th year of this annual conference, the Section has produced a history of this notable program.

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M. Ellen Carpenter Financial Literacy Program

Through this program, the Bankruptcy Section, in collaboration with the United States Bankruptcy Court, teaches high school students about the importance of making informed decisions regarding their finances.

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Chapter 7 Pro Bono Initiatives

The Bankruptcy Section facilitates trainings throughout the year, providing volunteers with the fundamentals of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy law.  Recent trainings were developed in anticipation of an increased need for volunteer attorneys due to COVID related bankruptcy filings.

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The Charles P. Normandin Fund of the Boston Bar Foundation

Established in 2006 to support the Boston Bar Association’s bankruptcy-related public service projects, the Normandin fund most notably supports the operational expenses of the M. Ellen Carpenter Financial Literacy Program.

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Speakers at a Bankruptcy Law bench bar conference.
A group of participants at a financial literacy program.
Speakers at a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law event.
A group of people sitting on a bench, smiling.

Upcoming Bankruptcy Law Events

Thu Mar 06
Legal Hour

Young Bar Meets Bankruptcy Bench Program – Oral Argument Techniques and Tips 2.0

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Section Leadership

Tristan Axelrod

Tristan Axelrod

Section Co-Chair Brown Rudnick LLP
Michael E. Jusczyk

Michael E. Jusczyk

Section Co-Chair Greenberg Traurig, LLP
The entrance of a building.

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