Each year the Equal Justice Coalition brings together hundreds of attorneys to participate in one of the largest lobby days at the Massachusetts State House with the aim to protect state funding for programs that provide civil legal aid to low-income Massachusetts residents. Lawyers form teams and head to the State House to hear from various leaders in the legal community and speak to their own state Senators and Representatives on the crucial need to adequately fund the line-item for the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation, the largest source of funding for the State’s network of legal aid providers.
For a full rundown of just how important this effort is, read up on the work of the BBA Statewide Task Force to Expand Civil Legal Aid in Massachusetts, check out reporting on last year’s efforts, and review the FY19 budget request.
To join this effort, you’re invited to join the Boston Bar Association’s Team as we walk to the State House together to advocate for the FY 19 budget request. We’ll meet for breakfast at the BBA to hear tips for talking with your legislators from our Director of Government Relations.
If you’d like to join the BBA’s Team and attend the breakfast, register here.
To check if your firm or organization has a team, the full list of registered teams is posted here.
If you have questions about Walk to the Hill, please contact Alexa Daniel at adaniel@bostonbar.org for more details.