While it has been reported that the halls of the State House have been quiet lately, work is still getting done in the legislature. Not only was the 155-page casino bill released this week, but the Judiciary Committee announced their hearing schedule for September. The Judiciary Committee will hold two public hearings next month. Bills pertaining to sentencing and re-entry issues will be heard on Tuesday, September 20th and bills relative to sex offenders and statute of limitations will be heard on Tuesday, September 27th.
Scheduling these two hearings almost immediately after the unofficial summer recess is significant and sends the message that the legislature wants to do sentencing reform…
The agenda for the first hearing contains 44 pieces of legislation currently under consideration by the Judiciary Committee. One of those bills, House 40, was filed by Governor Patrick earlier this year and would provide parole eligibility for non violent offenders in state prisons. House 40 builds upon the sentencing reforms contained in the comprehensive crime bill that Governor Patrick signed into law last August. Last session’s crime bill is known for its landmark CORI reform, but it also included other important reforms such as parole eligibility for drug offenders serving mandatory minimum sentences in county prisons. Now, parole eligibility can only be granted if the drug offenses did not involve guns, violence or children, and if the individual did not direct others in the sale of drugs.
There’s a lot of work to be done in this area. Recently the Legislature established the Special Commission to Study the Commonwealth’s Criminal Justice System that will begin its work in September. One of the board members will be a representative from the BBA and we look forward to being involved in the debate on policies that keep our Commonwealth safe while offering sensible solutions to Massachusetts’ sentencing practices.
-Kathleen Joyce
Government Relations Director
BostonBar Association