Now that the election cycle has passed, the BBA is looking forward to working with a comparatively large new class of legislators – nearly 50 new Reps and Senators – and a Governor’s Office that has just announced some staff changes as well. Governor Patrick announced that he asked his staff to submit their resignations and reapply for their jobs and there has been some movement among top officials.
In particular, the Governor’s Chief Legal Counsel William “Mo” Cowan has just been named as Governor Patrick’s new Chief of Staff. Mo has been Chief Legal Counsel since last October. Mo has been an active member of the BBA and the private bar by serving on the BBA Council, as a BBF Trustee, and was an integral in the formation of the BBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Section. In the past year he has been a good advocate for the courts and legal services and has always made himself available to the BBA.
The Chief Legal Counsel is responsible for advising the Governor on all legal and policy issues, judicial selection, and legislation. With Mo’s departure from the Office of the Legal Counsel, Deputy Legal Counsel Mark Reilly will assume the position of Chief Legal Counsel. Mr. Reilly has been working on the Governor’s legal staff since 2007 after practicing with Foley Hoag LLP and Sally & Fitch.
– Click here to read the Governor’s press release on the changes to his Cabinet –
The BBA will continue to work with the Governor’s office and Mark Reilly in his new role on critical issues for the private bar, the courts, as well as on the BBA’s priorities for the new legislative year.
-Kathleen Joyce
Government Relations Director
Boston Bar Association