The Nominating Committee of the Boston Bar Association, consisting of Robert Tuchmann (Chair), Robert M. Buchanan, Christine Hughes, Thomas E. Peisch and Kathy B. Weinman, has made the following nominations to fill the vacancies in officer positions and on the Council that will exist on September 1, 2010.
Officers nominated to serve a one-year term:
Donald R. Frederico
(automatic accession to office)
Lisa C. Goodheart
Vice President
James D. Smeallie
Paul T. Dacier
Julia Huston
Article VIII, Section 1B of the by-laws provides that the Nominating Committee nominate not less than ten nor more than fourteen candidates to fill the positions of seven retiring Council members.
Council nominees are:
Jonathan M. Albano
Lee T. Gesmer
Renee Inomata
Robert W. Iuliano
Richard N. Kimball
Elizabeth A. Lunt
Christina Ely Miller
Martin F. Murphy
Lon F. Povich
Gina Y. Walcott
Those persons continuing on the Council, in addition to the seven members who will be elected by ballot in the upcoming election, are: Lisa G. Arrowood, Jonathan Chiel, Bruce E. Falby, George P. Field, Elizabeth S. Fries, Wayne M. Kennard, Maureen Mulligan, Edward Notis-McConarty, Michelle N. O’Brien, Maureen A. O’Rourke, Laura S. Peabody, Mala M. Rafik, John J. Regan, Michael D. Ricciuti, Jennifer M. Rivera-Ulwick, Douglas B. Rosner, Ingrid C. Schroffner, William F. Sinnott and Richard A. Toomey, Jr. In addition, John D. Donovan, Jr. will be serving as an ex-officio member of the Council in his capacity as President of the Boston Bar Foundation.
Further nominations may be made in writing by any groups of at least twenty-five voting members of the Association by sending such nominations to the Secretary within ten days from the date of mailing of this notice. No ballots for persons other than those nominated as aforesaid shall be received or counted at the election.
March 19, 2010
Damon P. Hart