The Boston Bar Association today announced that nominations are now being accepted for its prestigious Beacon Award — established in 2010 to recognize exceptional leadership in advancing diversity and inclusion in Greater Boston’s legal profession. The 2012 award will presented at a special reception in early November.
The Committee will cast an extraordinarily wide net in seeking nominations and will consider both individuals and groups doing innovative work to meet the challenge of creating a more diverse and inclusive legal profession in Greater Boston. Some very basic guidelines (not bright lines) for nominees include people or organizations that can broadly be said to:
1. Demonstrate achievement in the area of diversity and inclusion in Boston’s legal profession.
2. Serve as role models for innovation and sustainability for diversity and inclusion.
3. Have helped move the frontier of diversity and inclusion in the law or in Greater Boston’s legal profession.
Any person or any organization — whether public or private, department or sub-department, individual or organization — should be considered. The list of nominees should be as diverse and inclusive as the spirit of the Beacon Award itself.
Submit your nominations by June 8 to Heather Leary: Nominations may be as simple as a suggestion and a brief reason why they should be considered. The committee welcomes supplemental materials but they are not required at the nomination stage. The committee may follow up with requests for additional information for those that move into the final round of consideration.
The Beacon Award was developed by the BBA’s Diversity & Inclusion Section.
Members of the Beacon Award Nominating Committee:
Colin Owyang, National Grid USA (Chair)
Navjeet Bal, Nixon Peabody
Anthony Hubbard, Mintz Levin
Cristina Gonzalez, Staples Inc.
Renée Landers, Suffolk University Law School
Christina Miller, Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office
Macey Russell, Choate, Hall & Stewart
Willliam Sinnott, City of Boston