BBA Seeks Nominations for Inaugural Mary K. Ryan Achievement in Pro Bono Award
Press ReleaseThe Boston Bar Association is pleased to announce the creation of the Mary K. Ryan Achievements in Pro Bono award, and an open call for nominations for the inaugural award. The award will be presented by the Boston Bar Association at its Annual Meeting to a select number of Massachusetts attorneys who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to pro bono.
The individuals honored may be at any career stage—junior, mid-career, senior or retired—and may be drawn from all corners of practice. The honorees will embody the qualities that distinguished Mary as a champion of legal aid and pro bono work. They will have made pro bono a theme of their professional lives in a manner appropriate to their career stage. This may take many forms, including staunch advocacy for access to justice for the underserved; unwavering commitment to a case; dedication to mentoring others in pro bono service; and a selfless willingness to contribute time and talent to ensure access to legal services for those who need them.
Special attention will be paid to civil cases and nominees who have worked individually, led small teams or sought out under-resourced cases.
The BBA is inviting nominations, and individuals are encouraged to nominate their peers or self-nominate. Nominations should be sent via email or word document and include up to three paragraphs on why the individual should be considered, including examples of specific names of organizations and cases. Two-to-three reference names and phone numbers should be included. Cases referenced need not have taken place in Massachusetts, but the individual nominated must be barred in and practice in the Commonwealth.
Nominations are due to the Boston Bar Association by October 7th and can be submitted to