News Releases
July 25, 2024

Meet the New BBF Officers and Trustees for the 2024-2025 Program Year

Boston Bar Foundation

We are pleased to announce that the following members have been elected to serve as Trustees of the Boston Bar Foundation for a period beginning September 1, 2024 and concluding August 31, 2025.


Megan Gates
Covington & Burling LLP

Manleen Singh
Robins Kaplan LLP

Nancy R. Wilsker
Hinckley Allen LLP

Incoming Trustees

Susan M. Finegan

Mark C. Fleming

Christopher Escobedo Hart
Foley Hoag

Suma V. Nair
Fiduciary Trust Company

David J. Nagle

Andrew P. Strehle
Brown Rudnick

Colin G. Van Dyke
Anderson Kreiger

Returning Trustees

John Affuso
Massachusetts Port Authority

Joseph L. Bierwirth Jr.
Hemenway & Barnes LLP

Christopher G. Clark
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Scott A. Faust
Proskauer Rose LLP

David L. Ferrera

Mark R. Fitzgerald
Wilson Sonsini

Martha J. Nahill Frahm
Goulston & Storrs

Angela Gomes
Sullivan & Worcester LLP

Stephen P. Hall
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Renee Inomata
Casner & Edwards, LLP

Shiva Karimi
McLane Middleton

Hannah L. Kilson
Nolan Sheehan Patten LLP

Nigel W. Long

Melissa Sampson McMorrow

Matthew V.P. McTygue
Hogan Lovells

Chinh H. Pham
Greenberg Traurig, LLP

James S. Parker
Boston Celtics

Marc A. Rubenstein
Ropes & Gray LLP

Raquel J. Webster
National Grid

We’d like to thank the Nominating Committee for the Boston Bar Foundation, consisting of Megan Gates, Stephen P. Hall, Hannah L. Kilson, Matthew V.P. McTygue, and Suma V. Nair, as well as our incoming Officers and Trustees for their volunteer service.