News Releases
January 23, 2013

Lawyers Will Walk to the Hill to Make Case for Civil Legal Aid Funding

Press Release

Lawyers Will Walk to the Hill to Make Case for Civil Legal Aid Funding

When: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 11:30 a.m.

Where: Great Hall, Massachusetts State House

Why: Civil legal aid for children and adults living in poverty is essential to their survival but has been woefully underfunded. Victims of domestic violence, people facing wrongful evictions, people with disabilities trying to secure health and other benefits to which they are entitled, and military families in financial crisis are examples of the types of clients helped by civil legal aid.

So we need your help in explaining to our legislators (and yours in particular) why it is critically important that they increase state funding for civil legal aid via the line item for the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation to $15.5 million in the FY 14 budget.

Sponsors: Walk to the Hill is sponsored by the Equal Justice Coalition, the Boston Bar Association, the Massachusetts Bar Association, and is co-sponsored by several county and specialty bar associations throughout Massachusetts.

Agenda: From 11:30 a.m. to 12 Noon, we will hear from Chief Justice Roderick Ireland, BBA President J.D. Smeallie, MBA President Robert L. Holloway, Jr., and a former legal aid client.

At 12 Noon, we will visit legislators serving our home districts, and make the ask for legal aid, one on one.

Are you a Solo & Small Firm Lawyer or a New Lawyer looking for a group to Walk to the Hill with? Click here .

Will you be live tweeting the speaking portion of the program? Please use #boostcivillegalaid