Boston Bar Foundation IOLTA Grants Application Opens January 31st
Boston Bar FoundationThe 2020 Boston Bar Foundation IOLTA Grants application period will open on Friday, January 31st, 2020 and grant applications will be due back to the BBF on Friday, February 28th, 2020. Please check out our website once the application period opens to download the application.
The BBF invites applications from eligible non-profit organizations in the Greater Boston area for projects that advance the following objectives:
• Provide civil legal services to low-income persons and/or underserved populations, especially organizations and programs that address an unmet legal need.
• Result in the development and strengthening of pro bono programs which generate substantial voluntary legal services by the private bar to low-income and underserved populations.
• Demonstrably enhance the administration of justice in Massachusetts (i.e. improve the courts’ effectiveness, address systemic problems in the court system or provide information to low-income, underserved or special needs populations regarding their legal rights and/or accessibility to the courts).
You can also contact Summer Colley at 617-778-1938 or with any questions.