Amid an ever worsening state court funding crisis, The Boston Bar Journal (BBJ) today announced that starting with its Fall issue, the BBJ will launch a series providing first hand accounts that detail the impact of inadequate state court funding.
In Justice Denied: The Ramifications of the Trial Court Budget Cuts, Manisha Bhatt, a Senior Attorney in the Family Unit at Greater Boston Legal Services, takes her readers inside the Probate and Family Court as she works to help a client in crisis. In This Week in Housing Court, Judge Robert Fields, writes about a court where the adage “do more with less” has reached its limit due to the fiscal constraints of the Trial Court — not withstanding diligent efforts by staff to be responsive to litigants whose matters are anything but routine.
Also appearing in the Fall edition of the BBJ. . .
Court Funding and Sustainability
By Lisa C. Goodheart
Four Part Profile of Lisa C. Goodheart
AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion: Is Feeney Finis
By Donald Frederico and Clifford Ruprecht
Commonwealth v. Fremont: the SJC Addresses the Intersection Between the Massachusetts Public Records Law and Court-issued Protective Orders
By James Carroll, Peter Simshauser and Christopher Clark
Data Breach Class Action Litigation — A Tough Road for Plaintiffs
By Timothy Madden
“You Need a Permit for That?” Some Practical Tips for Local Permitting
By Andrew Upton
Getting Uncle Sam To Talk: Obtaining Potentially Important Evidence from the FBI For Use in Civil Proceedings
By Joseph Sulman
The BBJ is the flagship, online quarterly publication of the Boston Bar Association, and will “hit the stands” before the end of September.