News Releases
September 06, 2011

Court Budget Cutbacks Causing Real Pain for Real People — So Says BBA President Lisa C. Goodheart

Press Release

Learning that severe cuts to the MA Trial Court’s budget over the last three years will now soon result in reduced public office hours at 38 courts, Boston Bar Association President Lisa C. Goodheart issued the following statement:

“The budget cuts to our state courts over the last three years have resulted in staff reductions of historic proportions, already causing unacceptable delays in many of the court divisions. Despite the unwavering commitment of our judges and remaining staff to soldier on – making diligent efforts to do more with less – we can no longer pretend that it’s business as usual. The access to justice that we have taken for granted under our state  constitution will be seriously compromised, inflicting real pain on our most vulnerable citizens. As president of the BBA, I urge our members to call their local state representatives and state senators and ask them to restore funding to the trial court.”

For a list of changes in public office hours at 38 courts, click here