The Spring edition of the Boston Bar Association’s premier online publication, the Boston Bar Journal, will hit e-mail inboxes of BBA members and other subscribers no later than April 1, 2011. The Journal is published four times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer) and is available on Westlaw and LexisNexis.
Included in the Spring edition of the Boston Bar Journal will be four articles focusing specifically on jury trials:
Does Justice Go Off Track When Jurors Go Online?
A Likely Story: How to Use a Trial Consultant Successfully
Massachusetts’ Leadership Role in the American Jury System
Inflicting Soares: the Continuing Viability of Peremptory Challenges
Also contained in the Spring edition will be the following two articles:
US Bank v. Ibanez: The Mortgage Industry’s Documentation Practices in Focus
Website Interactivity as a Basis for Personal Jurisdiction
The Boston Bar Journal has a circulation of more than 10,000 and is frequently reprinted for use at law schools and continuing legal education seminars throughout the nation.