Boston Bar Foundation Awards More Than $1 Million in Grants to 19 Local Organizations
Press ReleaseThe Boston Bar Foundation (BBF), the charitable affiliate of the Boston Bar Association, announced today that it will provide $1,050,000 in grants to 19 community organizations that work to provide legal services to those in need. This funding is composed of proceeds from the BBF’s annual John & Abigail Adams Benefit and Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA).
The organizations that will receive BBF funding provide critical support to people who would otherwise go unrepresented in life-altering civil legal matters. Their clients include low-income survivors of domestic violence seeking safety from their abusers, families facing eviction from their homes, and immigrants and asylum-seekers hoping to make a new life in the United States. The advocacy provided by BBF grantee organizations is essential in ensuring that people in challenging situations—regardless of income—are able to walk into court with a lawyer by their side, and have a chance to attain the best possible outcome and a brighter future.
“The BBF is proud to support and partner with these organizations that provide critical services to the Greater Boston community,” said BBF President Diana K. Lloyd. “Addressing the justice gap is a key goal of the BBF, and the 19 grantee organizations are doing such important work to ensure that low-income clients can assert their rights in matters that will have a significant impact on their health and well-being. These grants would not be possible without the attorneys, law firms, and businesses that support the Adams Benefit and contribute to the BBF’s work throughout the year. I extend my deep gratitude to all who have made these grants possible—thank you for working toward a more just Commonwealth of Massachusetts!”
The 2019 grant recipients are:
Casa Myrna Vazquez: Casa Myrna is Boston’s largest provider of domestic violence awareness efforts and of shelter and supportive services to survivors. The Legal Advocacy Program seeks to address the unmet legal needs of victims of domestic violence and commercial sexual exploitation.
Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts: The mission of the Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts is to promote and secure equal justice and to maximize opportunity for low-income children and youth by providing quality advocacy and legal services.
City Life/Vida Urbana: City Life/Vida Urbana is a bilingual, community organization whose mission is to fight for racial, social and economic justice and gender equality by building working class power through direct action, coalition building, education and advocacy.
De Novo: De Novo provides free civil legal assistance and affordable psychological counseling to low-income people, offering services that combat the effects of poverty and violence by helping clients and their children meet basic human needs for safety, income, health and housing.
Greater Boston Legal Services: The oldest and largest legal services program in New England, Greater Boston Legal Services provides free legal assistance to as many low-income families as possible, helping them to secure some of the most basic necessities of life.
Irish International Immigrant Center: Irish International Immigrant Center is Boston’s welcome center for 3,500 immigrants and refugees from more than 120 countries every year, empowering newcomers with critical integration services so they can reach stability, contribute to their communities, and flourish.
Lawyers Clearinghouse on Affordable Housing and Homelessness: The Lawyers Clearinghouse harnesses the power of Massachusetts legal professionals to strengthen communities by connecting Massachusetts nonprofits and the homeless with pro bono lawyers.
Lawyers for Civil Rights: Lawyers for Civil Rights fosters equal opportunity and fights discrimination on behalf of people of color and immigrants, engaging in creative and courageous legal action, education, and advocacy in collaboration with law firms and community partners.
Massachusetts Advocates for Children: Massachusetts Advocates for Children’s mission is to remove barriers to educational and life opportunities for children and youth by advocating for and partnering with students and families; transforming school cultures to be inclusive, safe and supportive; and creating systemic change so all children and youth can learn, reach their potential, and thrive.
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health: MassCOSH unites workers, unions and community groups with environmental and health activists to end dangerous work conditions, to organize for safe, secure jobs, and to advocate for healthy communities.
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute: Massachusetts Law Reform Institute provides statewide advocacy and leadership in advancing laws, policies, and practices that secure economic, racial, and social justice for low-income people and communities.
MetroWest Legal Services: The mission of MetroWest Legal Services is to provide legal advocacy to protect and advance the rights of the poor, elderly, disabled and other disenfranchised people and to assist them in obtaining legal, social and economic justice.
Northeast Legal Aid: Northeast Legal Aid’s mission is to offer free high quality civil legal services to the poor and elderly in Northeastern Massachusetts.
Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project: The Political Asylum/Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project provides free legal services to asylum seekers and promotes the rights of detained immigrants.
Prisoners’ Legal Services: Prisoners’ Legal Services promotes the safe, humane and lawful treatment of Massachusetts prisoners through civil rights litigation, administrative advocacy, client counseling, and outreach to policy makers and the public.
Veterans Legal Services: Veterans Legal Services promotes self-sufficiency, stability, and financial security for veterans in Massachusetts through comprehensive and accessible legal services.
Volunteer Lawyers Project: The mission of the Volunteer Lawyers Project is to increase access to justice by delivering high quality pro bono civil legal services to eligible clients in the Greater Boston area.
Women’s Bar Foundation: The Women’s Bar Foundation is dedicated to ensuring access to justice for low-income individuals. The Family Law Project for Domestic Abuse Survivors empowers domestic violence survivors by giving them a voice in their abuse prevention hearings and family law cases.
Youth Advocacy Foundation: The Youth Advocacy Foundation is the non-profit arm of the Massachusetts juvenile public defender agency: the Youth Advocacy Division of the Committee for Public Counsel Services. The EdLaw Project provides education advocacy for Massachusetts’ highest-risk youth.
As the charitable affiliate of the Boston Bar Association, the Boston Bar Foundation’s mission is inspired by the values of professionalism, service, compassion and responsibility. The mission of the BBF is to promote justice by funding and promoting innovation in legal services, enhancing access to justice for the underserved, and supporting the public interest activities of the bar.