Responding to changes in state and federal laws, the BBA today announced the latest revision of its 2004 Children’s Mental Health Guide is nearing completion. A public service initiative of the BBA’s Children’s Mental Health Task Force and Children’s Hospital Boston, the How-To Guide to Children’s Mental Health Services in Massachusetts was created to address widespread problems of access to services, funding for services and responsibility for care. The Guide, written from an advocacy perspective, provides essential direction to parents who do not know where to turn when their children begin to exhibit signs of mental illness.
“The editorial board has consulted with key state agency personnel, and also with child mental health advocacy organizations in preparing the revised guide to reflect recent legal and programmatic changes affecting child mental health services,” said Editor-in-Chief of the Guide Michael Blau of Foley & Lardner.
The Guide was previously revised in 2006 and 2009. The latest edition of the Guide will be available online only, free of charge and is expected to be released to the public in June 2011.