BBA Joins ADL Brief in Support of Diversity of BPS Exam-School Admission Policy
ArticleLast Friday, the BBA joined an amicus brief filed by Cooley LLP on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League, in support of a Boston Public Schools admission policy for its “exam high schools.” Last year, we joined the ADL on a brief in the US District Court, where a constitutional challenge to the policy was rejected, but the plaintiffs have appealed, and the case is now before the First Circuit (more-recent revisions to the admission policy notwithstanding). Once again, the brief—joined by a variety of other organizations as well, including the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce—argues that the policy was in furtherance of diversification in admissions, which in turn benefits both the student body of the schools and the broader business community of Greater Boston.