As Crime Package Awaits Action by Gov. Patrick, BBA Applauds MA Legislature
Press ReleaseAfter more than 20 years of study and advocacy on sentencing reform, the BBA is delighted that the Massachusetts Legislature passed a comprehensive crime bill that includes important mandatory minimum sentencing reforms. A copy of the bill can be found here. The bill grants parole eligibility for offenders serving at county Houses of Correction after serving one-half of their sentence. The new law will not guarantee that parole will be granted; that decision will be left to the Parole Board.
The bill also includes significant changes to the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) which will increase access and improve accuracy. These changes will create opportunities for reformed offenders to obtain jobs.
Congratulations to the Conference Committee and thank you to the Chairs, Senator Cynthia S. Creem and Representative Eugene O’Flaherty, for their leadership on this important legislation. The bill is now on Governor Patrick’s desk awaiting action.