The Boston Bar Association is proud to welcome Arent Fox LLP as a sponsor firm, joining the BBA’s community of more than 13,000 members drawn from law firms, in-house legal departments, government agencies, law schools, and nonprofit organizations.
“We are pleased to join this prestigious community,” said Ira J. Deitsch, Managing Partner of Arent Fox’s Boston office. “The firm looks forward to continuing our commitment to serving the Boston community through the BBA.”
Founded in 1942, Arent Fox is an international firm recognized in core practice areas where business and the law intersect. The firm provides legal counsel and policy advocacy across four main disciplines: Regulatory & Government Compliance, Business, Intellectual Property, and Litigation & Dispute Resolution, with a particular emphasis on serving the entire legal needs of a client within core industries.
Arent Fox prides itself on being one of the most diverse general practice law firms in the country, as well as on its deep roots in government service, its focus on legal excellence, and its commitment to the administration of justice that stretches back more than 75 years.
Since 1980, attorneys in Arent Fox’s Boston office have served as advisors to companies in Boston and across the country. The firm is also deeply committed to pro bono, working on a wide range of legal matters and volunteering hundreds of thousands of hours over the years. The firm’s Boston attorneys are active in volunteering, and providing pro bono services and other support with a number of organizations in our community such as the Association for Corporate Growth, Jewish Family & Children’s Service, Dana-Farber Leadership Council, Game On For Autism Research Foundation LLC, Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, Quincy Point Congregational Church Homes, Inc., Read to a Child, The SAMFund, and the Victim Rights Law Center.
Attorneys from Arent Fox’s Boston office have bolstered the BBA’s work in many ways and share in our mission to facilitate access to justice and serve the community at large. Firm leaders participate each year in the BBA M. Ellen Carpenter Financial Literacy Program and the BBA Law Day in the Schools program. The firm also participates in hiring students as part of the BBA Summer Jobs program for Boston teens.
“Many of the Boston office Arent Fox lawyers have actively participated in BBA committees, activities and meetings for many years. I am delighted all of us, who value the work of the BBA and the professional and personal opportunities it provides, will be able to continue to participate through Arent Fox’s BBA Sponsor membership,” said Dustin F. Hecker, Partner at Arent Fox.
To learn more about Arent Fox, please visit: