All Officers & Council Members
William J. Rocha

William J. Rocha

Member He/Him/His

Bill is General Counsel of LAZ Parking. Bill is also the founding member of Rocha GC, LLC, a law firm that provides part-time general counsel services to privately-owned small and mid-size companies. At the BBA, Bill currently serves on the BBA/BBF Joint Financial Committee. Beyond the BBA, Bill currently serves as a Board Member of the One SouthCoast Chambers, Co-Chair of the American Bakers Association’s HR and Safety Professionals Group, member of the American Bakers Association’s State Affairs Working Group, and represents Gold Medal at the Massachusetts Food Association’s Government Affairs Committee meetings. Bill previously served as an Executive Board member of the Federal Bar Association (Massachusetts chapter) and was a member of both the New York State Bar Association and the Association of Corporate Counsel. Bill is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island (B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E.) and Cornell University School of Law.